

Before you buy a new truck, do this first.

Truck screws often get crushed. I would like to introduce a special tool that skaters find useful that may help solve such critical situations.

Before you buy a new truck, do this first.

Truck screws often get crushed. I would like to introduce a special tool that skaters find useful that may help solve such critical situations.


Performance of THUNDER TRUCKS

I think the main thing to worry about when choosing a skateboard is the suspension. THUNDER TRUCKS are known for being lightweight. We will explain the appeal of THUNDER TRUCKS,...

Performance of THUNDER TRUCKS

I think the main thing to worry about when choosing a skateboard is the suspension. THUNDER TRUCKS are known for being lightweight. We will explain the appeal of THUNDER TRUCKS,...



I think the main thing to worry about when choosing a skateboard is the suspension. ``INDEPENDENT TRUCKS'' (commonly known as INDEPENDENT TRUCKS) is a long-established store that boasts a market...


I think the main thing to worry about when choosing a skateboard is the suspension. ``INDEPENDENT TRUCKS'' (commonly known as INDEPENDENT TRUCKS) is a long-established store that boasts a market...


Performance of VENTURE TRUCKS

I would like to explain in more detail VENTURE TRUCKS, which is the most stable of the truck brands handled by Prime, along with my impressions.

Performance of VENTURE TRUCKS

I would like to explain in more detail VENTURE TRUCKS, which is the most stable of the truck brands handled by Prime, along with my impressions.

人気のウィール「SPITFIRE F4」の魅力とは?

What is the appeal of the popular wheel “SPITFI...

First of all, when you think of wheel brands, isn't it "SPITFIRE"? It has always supported the undercarriage of skaters. In particular, the popularity of "FOURMULA FOUR" (commonly known as...

What is the appeal of the popular wheel “SPITFI...

First of all, when you think of wheel brands, isn't it "SPITFIRE"? It has always supported the undercarriage of skaters. In particular, the popularity of "FOURMULA FOUR" (commonly known as...


BONES SUPER SWISS 6 “Threat Rotating Power”

I decided to upgrade to the coveted SUPER SWISS 6BALL, which has been rumored to be the fastest SWISS model. Rotating power of BONES SUPER SWISS 6... SWISS 6 is...

BONES SUPER SWISS 6 “Threat Rotating Power”

I decided to upgrade to the coveted SUPER SWISS 6BALL, which has been rumored to be the fastest SWISS model. Rotating power of BONES SUPER SWISS 6... SWISS 6 is...