
How to choose a track

First of all, what is a truck?

Prime Shintaro.

Once you've chosen your deck, the next step is the trucks. This is where many people get confused, so I will explain it thoroughly. When you put your weight on your toes, the skateboard bends toward your stomach, and when you put your weight on your heels, it bends toward your back. The track is the center of the skateboard's undercarriage and determines how well it curves. The timing at which you flick the tail when performing a trick also varies greatly depending on the track.

How does it differ depending on the brand?

Let me explain using four truck brands with the world's top market share that are handled by Prime as an example.


Even if you're not a skater, you've probably seen the logo.

A long-established store among long-established stores. It is commonly known as "Indy". Among the four brands , it has a wide range of motion and is excellent in turning performance, along with ACE TRUCK. The vehicle height is high, so even wheels around 55mm can be installed without spacers. In addition, the tail feels relatively light and can be used for quick movements. It is a popular brand that competes for 1.2 in the world for all-round style.


Among the 4 brands, it has the stiffest mobility and the most stability. It is rated as having a narrow tilting width when you put your weight on it, and being less likely to wobble. It is also attractive that it is loved by professional riders with technical styles such as PAUL RODRIGUEZ and PJ LADD. We also support Japan's leading skater Yuto Horiyone, who won the Tokyo Olympics. This is a track that kicks the tail firmly to make a hit, and is rated as easy to time.


It is known for being the lightest of the four brands. Also, the vehicle height is low, and even at HI, it is about the same height as the LO of other trucks. Although the vehicle height is low, it has a good range of motion and is compatible with all-round styles. It's incredibly lightweight and doesn't require any force to perform any tricks.


Among the four brands , it has a wide range of motion and is excellent in turning performance, along with INDEPENDENT TRUCK. Although it is a relatively young truck brand that was launched in 2007, it is expanding its market share with its high turning performance and responsive tail hit . Also pay attention to the beautiful form. There are many users in Japan as well, making it the second most popular track after the three famous tracks mentioned above.

What is the LO and HI of a truck?

Once you have chosen a brand, the next thing you will run into is the difference between HI and LO. First of all, as the name suggests, HI and LO represent the vehicle height of the truck. (HI may be written as STANDARD depending on the item) So what changes if the vehicle height is different?


1.Since the vehicle height is high, large diameter wheels can be installed. (up to about 55mm)

2.The truck has a wide range of motion and can turn more quickly.

3. When performing tricks, the timing of playing the tail is slightly later than the LO.


1.Since the vehicle height is low, wheels up to 53mm can be installed.

2. The range of motion of the truck is narrow, and turning performance is slightly reduced. The sense of stability will increase.

3. During tricks, the timing of flipping the tail is earlier than the LO.

I wrote a subjective comparison between typical HI and LO. I often see articles that say ``Beginners should use LO!'' or ``HI will make your ollie higher,'' but I don't think that's the case.

"Both LO and HI have advantages and disadvantages"

It's a "preference" that develops as you continue skateboarding. If the timing suits you better with HI than with Lo, your ollie will be higher. Of course, the opposite is true.

I think it's important to try out what you like without getting confused.

What does the weight of the truck make a difference?

Skateboards don't have engines or wings. It is something that can be manipulated using only human power.
Aside from individual athletic ability, ``weight'' affects performance.

For example, the lighter a bicycle is, the faster it can go. Keirin athletes even remove the brakes in order to reduce weight during races. This may be true for all vehicles, but the lighter a skateboard is, the less force is required to control it.

Weight reduction is a customization that is easy to understand and produces immediate results.

Let's take INDEPENDENT TRUCK as an example.

Look at the king pin (pin part in the center of the truck) in the photo above.

Right: Standard model.

Left: Lightweight model. The pin part is hollow.

Look at the shaft part in the photo above.

Right: Standard model.
Left: Lightweight model. The shaft part is hollow.

Look at the base plate part in the photo above.

Right - standard model.
Left - lightweight model. You can see that it is about two-thirds thinner than the one on the right.

The base plate part from a different angle.

Right: Standard model.
Left: Lightweight model. In addition to being thin, you can see that it has been cut out.

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We looked at it while comparing the structures of the lightweight models. So what changes if it's lighter? The same can be said of bicycles, cars, trains, and many other things, the lighter the weight, the more efficiently power is transmitted. Especially when it comes to things that are powered by humans, such as bicycles and skateboards, the effects can be felt even more.

- It can be maneuvered with less force, making fine movements easier.

- Since the weight is light, the feel of the tail is also lighter. (Easy to make quick movements)

- Since it is light in weight, the flip technique rotates easily.

If I were to briefly write down the big changes I experienced, it would be something like this.

We often get questions about whether the strength will be lower if it is lighter, but this is not a problem.
Overseas professionals jump from incredible heights using lightweight trucks. As long as you don't get hit by a car, you'll be fine.

I wrote it briefly,
If you are thinking of changing to a wider deck, it is better to make the truck lighter. Trucks hold the key to achieving both a sense of stability and ease of handling .

Settings are a matter of individual skater's preference.
If you have any questions, please check the Q&A first.

If you have any concerns about the settings, please feel free to ask.


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